Knowledge Base
Quick start
My Profile
Editing my Profile
My Community
How do I edit my profile picture, my details, about, Rider Level, add my bike?
How to add my location
How to I change my first name/last name if I made a mistake?
Can I change my username?
How do I add sponsors etc to the Supporters tab?
How do I update Q & A, Interests, My Bike and 'About me'
How do I add favourites?
How do I change my password?
What is my username?
What is my rider level?
What is my display name?
How do I edit my profile picture, my details, about, Rider Level, add my bike?
Create or join a team
Getting people to your Team - direct Invites and shareable Links
Team Administration
How do I invite riders to my team - APP (Team Administrators only)
How do I invite riders to my team - WEB (Team Administrators only)
What privileges do team administrator's have?
How do I make a member an administrator?
How do I view pending invitations that have not yet been accepted?
I cannot find the team administration area.
How do I promote a member to an administration role?
How do I invite riders to my team - APP (Team Administrators only)
Blogs and detailed team info
Social Feed - communications within the team
Topics - within Team feed
Group rides
Ride Administration
RSVP & Attending rides
Ride Feed - Ride Notifications to ride members
Results and Awards Sections
Create, allocate or join a ride
Creating a Team ride
Creating Once off ride with route
How do I create a totally new bunch ride?
Can I bulk upload my ride activities to a selected ride?
Creating a bunchride
How do I create a new bunchride with the same start point to an existing ride?
How do I allocate my ride activity data to an existing bunchride?
How do I join a bunchride?
Can I create multiple group rides from the same activity?
How do I create a variation?
Creating a Team ride
Uploading to Bunchrides
What are formal and Informal Rides?
I cannot find any bunch rides in my area?
How do I search for bunch rides?
How do I assign my bunchride to a particular team?
How do I know whether the bunchride is actually on?
How will I know whether anyone will be at the ride starting point?
How do I create a new start time or a new day to an existing bunchride?
Do rides have to take place at a regular time?
Will Bunchrides register my group ride if it only covers part of the route?
Does Bunchrides have Leaderboards?
Why is the ‘+’ symbol on some of the map markers in the Group ride section?
What are formal and Informal Rides?
I receive a message saying “corrupted files found”
I received a message that my Garmin device cannot be found.
My upload doesn’t appear to be working?
I’m having trouble uploading from Garmin?
I rode the same route/day/time and I still cannot join the ride
I cannot see my team in the drop down list when uploading to my selected bunchride
I receive a message saying “corrupted files found”
Social feed - Teams and Rides
Ride & team organisers - Ride Leaders
Uploading rides/cycling files to Bunchrides
How to upload files
How to create new variations or new ride times
Creating team rides
Common questions about uploading your ride activity data
General Information
Bookmarks - adding and viewing
Account Settings
Apps - iOS (Apple) and Android (Google)
Privacy settings - Teams, Group Rides and Profile
Sharing on other social media platforms
Announcements & Updates
Completed updates
New features
Issues to be resolved
Resolved issues
The recording stops randomly
Strava - cannot connect my account?
Joining Rides - cannot join to get updates
Inviting Riders to join Teams/Rides/Follow me - hard
Edit/add text for various fields - My Profile/Ride/Teams - not easy to do
Finding rides when searching by date/day or time - not easy
Editing My Profile/Rides/Teams - bugs
Left hand side panel - Profile, Rides and teams
Apps - iOS & Android - hard to use & buggy
Age range for teams - cannot edit
Uploading Garmin files - not working
Privacy setting - Profile - inconsistencies
The recording stops randomly
Blog - The Spin
How to create a blog
Editing and blog management
Trouble shooting