
How do I add people to my community?


The community tab is a place to find all the people that you have connected with.

These connections are people you know well, people you ride with and, perhaps the outside of your regular riding group.


Adding riders to your community

1. Community Tab

Select from the two options available:

Find Riders button

Using the writers search, you can drill down to find a bike rider at your level in your location, with similar interests, and even a similar bike to type that you may ride.

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Invite to Bunchrides button

You can choose from your preferred communication platforms, these will automatically be loaded based on what you currently have installed on your phone.

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Share link

Just click on the copy link button and you'll get a pre-populated in invitation to Bunchrides.

"I have joined Bunchrides, a dedicated cycling platform helping you find like-minded riders.
Stay in touch, plan rides and enjoy all the benefits of riding together.

Bunchrides is available through Google Play store and Apple App Store or at

Ride safe

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2. Rider Search

Navigate to the main menu, and from there select Riders > Find Riders and follow the same steps as documented from the fine writers button above.

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