How people ride in the level of structure and rules falls into two broad categories, formal and informal.
Formal Rides
1. Created from a ride Activity
A Formal Ride strictly follows the same route on the same day and time based on the recorded ride activity
2. Created on Bunchrides website
Connect your Garmin to your desktop computer and upload your ride activity to create your Formal Ride.
3. Re-occurs
The ride occurs either weekly, fortnightly, monthly or yearly.
Note: Only Informal rides can occur daily, ie every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
4. Can upload and match ride data
If your ride activity exactly matches the same route, day and time, you can view and analyse ride statistics and data.
5. Set rules and detailed information
A formal ride is highly structured with rules and information detailing ride etiquette, ie re-regrouping information, surface and ride stops.
6. Statistical data
When a Garmin file is matched against a Formal Ride, very detailed information is displayed such as PB's, Advanced Analytical data, Comparing against other riders on the ride and trends.
Informal rides
1. Has a meeting point
An Informal ride is as the names suggest very informal whereby you can go in any direction and follow any route, rather than following set route for every ride
2. A route link to a single route
If your ride is once off, then you can create an informal arrived this route. Again, the idea being that it is still very informal with minimal structure and minimal rules.
3. The same ride may rotate amongst multiple routes
If your ride varies from week to week and does not do the same route on the same day and time, and this is still considered an informal ride, whereby you have the opportunity to add a library of different routes that you may select from ride to ride.
4. Re-occurs without a single route
The ride occurs either weekly (can can occur daily, ie every Monday, Wednesday and Friday), fortnightly, monthly or yearly.
Note: Only Informal rides can have a library of multiple routes for a single ride
5. Limited information
Essentially, an informal ride is about meeting at a set location, riding for a projected time period rather than a specific following a specific route with specific rules for a specific speed and time.