
How do I allocate my ride activity data to an existing bunchride?

1.The Upload section

a.Go to the Upload section

b.Find the ride activity for the group ride your rode on 

3.If there is an exact match, select the Allocate button


2.The group ride page

a.Select the Allocate button

b.Bunchrides will then search your ride activity list for matches

c.Select "All" or individual ride activities to allocate


After uploading your ride activity data to Bunchrides, go to the ‘Group Rides’ tab and search for existing group rides by location. You can then refine your search with other terms like ride category or type of riding. If you know the name of the bunchride to allocate your data, simply use the search box on the top left hand corner of the ‘Group Rides’ page.

Bunchrides will display the details of the selected ride. If you want to allocate your ride activity data to this ride, select the green button ‘Find matching activities’ and Bunchrides will then search through all your ride activities for a match, ie the same route, commencing at the same time on the same day.

You have the option to either “select all” ride activities or select an individual activity from the list.


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