
Ride title

A ride title is the name that the group ride is known as. The name could come from the starting point, a business name, a street name, a person or a group or team name or simply a generic name. When you “cut” an activity, the start of the cut activity becomes the starting location of a group ride that falls under that ride title. The ride title is unique to the GPS address where the ride starts. There is no restrictions on the number of variations that can be created under a ride title however the variation must commence from the same GPS address as the ride title. The first time a new group ride is formed forms the basis of where all future variations commence from.

A ride title consists of:

1.The name of the location of where the ride starts, i.e. St Kilda Rides

2.The name of a road where the ride starts, i.e. North Road Ride (NRR)

3.A feature of the where the ride starts, i.e. at the Apco Ride (the Apco petrol station)

4.The name of the group/team that organises the ride, i.e. The pack ride

5.The name of an individual, i.e. Mitches Ride

6.The name of a business, i.e. TFM Shop rides

7.The name of a cycling Clug, i.e. St Kilda Cycling Club Social rides


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