
Topic settings - Topic Administrators only

To change your topic settings, click on the more option. Donated by the three vertical dots in the top right hand corner of the page.

This will enable the pull up with the many options that you have as administrator of your topic.

From this list, select topic settings which will give you access to change the privacy level, the post settings and whether you wish to pin the topic.

Bearing in mind that with the privacy settings, once a member of your team has joined your topic, you are unable to change the privacy setting as this will impact the person if they joined on the pretence that the topic was limited to approved  members.

Similarly, you'll be unable to pin a topic if the privacy level is request to join or administrators only.

A pin topic automatically adds all team members to that particular topic guarding the need for the team administrator to manually add every person to a particular topic for the team.

This is distinct from a general team post with notify all as it may be regarding a specific topic which the team administrator needs to share particular resources or particular information.



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