A really handy feature is being able to quickly notify all team members via a phone notification (push notification) to all team members. (See our privacy section to restrict who can view your team chat)
This feature is only available to the Team(s) administrators and be used for:
1. Organise a team ride
2. While on the ride letting the team know of a change in plans, i.e. a different cafe
3. An emergency - quickly really critical information to all team members
If you're not a team member, don't worry as you can still post in the Team feed and in your home feed.
iOS & Android
1. Notify all team members
A feature only available to the team administrators is the ability to create the initial post with the notification.
The Administrator can determine whether a Notification is sent, and if Team members can create on going Notifications.
1.Quickly communicate to all team members
2. Create a new message from "team chat"
3.Write your message and tick the box "Also notify all team members"
4.All team members will receive a phone & web notifications (note screens to be updated)